Part 9 - Ignite, be free!
I don’t know if you're a musician or a singer, but if you are, you'll get what I mean when I say that there are some bands I put on a pedestal, because they're so dang unique musically and in their performance - whether that be in the media or live - that they just blow me away. For me, ERRA is one of those bands.

Spoiler Alert: Unfortunately, I just can't vibe with ERRA's music when I'm out for a run. That's why I turned to Spotify to find out which bands I should listen to if I'm a fan of ERRA, which led me to PHINEHAS. I added their latest album, "The Fire Itself", to my queue and started my 400-meter sprints.
The self-titled track was my favorite, starting off with a super chill guitar riff that then gets amplified by brutal screams. "The Fire Itself" completely had me hooked when the rest of the band kicked in and that first 400-meter sprint went so well! But of course, as time went on, I gradually started slowing down.
At 0:46 min, a pattern comes in under the riff, which emphasizes the groove even more. The first chorus at 1:15 min is highlighted by powerful clean vocals before it kicks back into heavy mode. The guitar section impresses with some classic metalcore riffing. The solo at 2:57 min also gives off major good vibes! That was my first impression of PHINEHAS, and it immediately earned a spot on my playlist. I was also very satisfied with my lap times.

If you don't follow the playlist yet, then you definitely need to change that. I always love seeing the songs that you guys listen to while working out. I listen to everything, and if it gets me pumped while working out, it goes straight into the playlist: