Part 32 - Are you still running around?
I don't know why my Forerunner 245 hates me, but today I had another interval training session. The units were longer than usual: warm-up - 3 x (fast pace interval 10 min + slow pace interval 3) - cool-down. I was motivated because I was listening to the new song HELL by THE HOME TEAM.
What can I say? You can't help but love this band. Their music is simply so cheerful that it blows away any bad mood in an instant. This is also the case with HELL. Nice guitar sound, catchy vocals and simply compact and full of energy. I love it and you will too. Be sure to check out the video!
But now you're probably wondering what happened to the big decision I was talking about... well, let's just say that deciding to run up the 15% incline during an interval training session and then almost falling out of your shoes at the top was a pretty stupid move. I just wanted to go for a run and not take the same way back. That was the idea behind it.

The result was okay, but it wasn't really fun anymore after the incline because I couldn't get back into the flow. But hey, you can't have everything. On the plus side, I found a new song for the FIT FOR THE PIT playlist, which I hope you're already following diligently!
For running and workouts, I use the following equipment and apps: