Part 20 - I‘m really losing my patience!
My watch is really pushing me to my limits! You wouldn't believe what I had to hear after my last run: unproductive! At first, I couldn't understand it, but then I delved into passive and active regeneration as well as the terms aerobic and anaerobic. I would almost call it a game changer.

So I really focused on heart rate and pace during this run, aiming for long-term form development as both the means and the end. I chose the All New Metal playlist and queued up a few interesting releases. Future Palace's new single "Malphas" really blew me away:
Future Palace is really taking off right now. I've been following the band since we decided to work with Sawdust Recordings. And during this time, they have played some really strong support tours and gained more and more reach. Absolutely well-deserved!

The song starts with a heavy guitar intro, reminiscent of hard rock. Shortly after, it transitions into a very atmospheric and calm verse, enhanced by Maria Lessing's captivating vocals. At 0:32 min, the song picks up momentum again. A cool guitar riff accompanies the intense shouts, leading into a pre-chorus and eventually into a catchy hook.
The second verse becomes more aggressive both instrumentally and vocally, adding variation and building tension. A special shoutout to Manuel Kohlert and Johannes Frenzel, who do an amazing job on their instruments. The song drives forward, just like the energy it brings to my running. 'Malphas' really pushes the limits! The built-up tension releases at 01:55 min, unleashing a powerful mosh part. I really enjoyed this song and it's definitely going into my playlist.

The journey is incredible when you're always trying to discover new sounds. There are so many great bands out there, and I'm always excited to receive recommendations. A song has to grab me with its tempo and energy. Future Palace definitely achieved that with "Malphas." I hope you're enjoying the playlist so far.
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