Part 12 - Earth, can you feel me?
Today I hit the gym again and crushed a weights workout. I'm all about getting my sweat on outside, too, with some bodyweight workouts. But ya gotta mix it up and throw some iron around to keep things interesting.

I've got everything I need in this room. To warm up, I jump rope for 5 minutes and then I hit some chest exercises with dumbbells, two back exercises, and finish off with some sit-ups.

I picked the ALL NEW METAL playlist on Spotify because I heard some of my favorite bands dropped some new heat. On 2023-03-06, I hit up the ERRA gig in Munich and got my face melted off by INVENT ANIMATE, who opened up. So my recommendation for today is SHADE ASTRAY by INVENT ANIMATE:
The song starts off really intense with driving guitars and aggressive instruments that push strongly forward. At 0:23 min, there's a short break to catch your breath before it continues at 0:35 min with a nice groove. The whole buildup then culminates in the first chorus, which, in my opinion, really opens up thanks to the rough vocals and simple melody.

The structure continues like this until a very nasty breakdown is announced at 2:22 minutes, showcasing how versatile Markus Vik is with his vocals. And I can really tell you: this band brings this energy across on stage! If you have the opportunity, definitely go see them live. I didn't know the band before and was so convinced. That's why SHADE ASTRAY is now also included in the FIT FOR THE PIT playlist:
Have you heard of INVATE ANIMATE before? How do you like the band? Send me a DM on Instagram!